Sharing the truth of Science as it relates to our origin

To provide a fun, educational environment where all people can experience the truth in scientific and historical information. This information is expressed without the common evolutionary presuppositions found in most museums, school text books, and scientific journals. The evidence is presented and theories proposed based on the evidence. If a theory contradicts the evidence the theory is discarded, not the evidence.

What is the truth? Is there a truth that is always correct, never changes, is not relative? According to evolutionary science the age of the earth and the universe has changed many times. Currently it is estimated around 15 billions years, plus or minus 2 billion. The timeframe when dinosaurs roamed the earth likewise has changed many times. Dating techniques of rocks and carbon based materials (dead things) change and are refined, attempting to provide improved estimates. Truth is claimed but not actual as the understanding of the evidence changes. Nevertheless, it is claimed to be truth.

The natural world, the universe and biological life contain a wealth of scientific and historical data. The problem with any data is that the data needs to be interpreted. What theories can be extracted from this data? Do the theories correspond to the data? Is there additional data which the theories contradict? Are the theories told for what they truly are? Different experts from various fields of science interpret the data based on their own presuppositions (not truth but a held belief). Believers of evolution interpret data based on uniformitarianism. This means they believe the universe has come to the state it is currently by a long series of very slowly working random events. Others interpret the data based on a creation about 6,000 years ago followed by global, catastrophic flood about 4,500 years ago.

This museum presents and explores the data, the raw evidence, the truth, in such a way that visitors can see the evidence clearly, understand differing interpretations, and draw their own conclusions from the evidence and theories.

The goal – A science centre, themed restaurant and convention centre

Build a magnificent destination demonstrating God’s beautiful design in all things natural.

Grnnd Canyon Exhibit

The canyon did not take millions of years to form. See real-life evidence of quick canyon formation.


Physics Run it All

The laws of physics control everything in the universe. Where did these laws come from?


Local residents and tourists driving up to the museum are in awe as they see it – a building with the dimensions and rough shape of Noah’s Ark! Life size models of animals are lined up, two by two, ready to board the ship. People enter the museum to a grand foyer, opening above them three storeys, to the roof of the ark. On each floor above are animated animals overhanging the edge, looking down, making their sounds, eating their food. In the center of the foyer is a huge, animated ancient animal, possibly a T-rex dinosaur or a mammoth.

This awe inspiring, thought provoking entrance is only the beginning of a mind opening experience in science and history. The centerpiece of the museum is a theatre showing in 3-dimensions, a movie of the creation of the earth and universe. This movie is 100% in agreement with the evidence seen in geology, biology, astronomy and other sciences. As people wait to enter the theatre they wander through an area of exhibits showing evidence that backs up what they are about to see.

A three storey, 33 meter long climbing area is set amongst giant ancient ferns, sabre tooth tigers, and other extinct animals. The interior of the museum is modelled after the interior of the ark, namely wooden beams, wooden walkways, many animal pens, sounds and some animal smells.

Approximately thirty exhibits on different aspects of science are on display, across the three floors, at any time. These exhibits change periodically, enabling new experiences for repeat visitors, season pass holders and lifetime members. One major display is a motion simulator ride through the global flood which shaped most of the earth’s surface as we see it today. Using less motion but equally educational is a journey through the history of science, hearing first hand the discoveries and beliefs of great scientists of the past. In the ‘laboratory of life,’ visitors work together as a team with massive computers in an effort to reproduce the evolution which supposedly has led from an ancient, lifeless world to all forms of life as they exist today.


To provide a fun, educational environment where all people can experience the truth in scientific and historical information. This information is expressed without the common evolutionary presuppositions found in most museums, school text books, and scientific journals. The evidence is presented and theories proposed based on the evidence. If a theory contradicts the evidence the theory is discarded, not the evidence.

What is the truth? Is there a truth that is always correct, never changes, is not relative? According to evolutionary science the age of the earth and the universe has changed many times. Currently it is estimated around 15 billions years, plus or minus 2 billion. The timeframe when dinosaurs roamed the earth likewise has changed many times. Dating techniques of rocks and carbon based materials (dead things) change and are refined, attempting to provide improved estimates. Truth is claimed but not actual as the understanding of the evidence changes. Nevertheless, it is claimed to be truth.

The natural world, the universe and biological life contain a wealth of scientific and historical data. The problem with any data is that the data needs to be interpreted. What theories can be extracted from this data? Do the theories correspond to the data? Is there additoinal data which the theories contradict? Are the theories told for what they truly are? Different experts from various fields of science interpret the data based on their own presuppositions (not truth but a held belief). Believers of evolution interpret data based on uniformitarianism. This means they believe the universe has come to the state it is currently by a long series of very slowly working random events. Others interpret the data based on a creation about 6,000 years ago followed by global, catastrophic flood about 4,500 years ago.

This museum presents and explores the data, the raw evidence, the truth, in such a way that visitors can see the evidence clearly, understand differing interpretations, and draw their own conclusions from the evidence and theories.


  • The Museum of Natural Science and History (MNSH) will always present scientific and historical evidence in an unbiased, raw format. The theories presented in each exhibit must not contradict the evidence.
  • A universe that is billions of years old and the evolution of life on this planet are two theories. They are not facts, although taught as facts in schools and presented as undeniable truths in books. The museum will demonstrate that there are other theories that explain the observed evidence more consistently, more completely. Presenting these two sides of science will allow individuals to develop informed ideas and beliefs by seeing the available options.
  • The major theory presented in the museum is that of creation; that the universe has a recent origin (is young) and life did not evolve but was created.
  • Observations in all fields of science provide the evidence of creation.
  • Observations can only see the present, not the past. Fossils exist in the present, we find them now, we see the state they are in now. From this scientists extrapolate what happened in the past. This extrapolation is theory, not fact.
  • The view that knowledge and/or truth may be divided under the categories secular and religious has no factual basis. It is a straw man argument and rejected.
  • The days in the Bible, the book of Genesis, chapter 1, represent six [6] consecutive twenty-four [24] hour days.
  • The Noachian Flood was a real event causing significant geological changes to our world.
  • The museum will not attempt to deceive anyone in any way. We are open to critical thinking, serious examination of the evidence, by anyone who can do so in an unbiased way, without preconceived beliefs.
  • The museum will be a member of the CCCC (Canadian Council of Christian Charities), to ensure proper accounting principles are followed. This will be implemented once the museum is ready to open.
  • All employees of the museum are born again believers in Jesus Christ and active members of a church local to their place of residence.
  • Each employee believes the theories, mission, vision, and values of the museum.
  • Employees working in each exhibit understand and are able to explain the evidence presented in the exhibits and the theories based on that evidence.

What is Faith?

The Bible says “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Noah Webster, in Websters Dictionary defines faith as “Loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person; …” (one of the definitions).

Blind faith is a belief in something for which there is no evidence. For example, some people believe in Santa Claus without any evidence to support that belief. Blind faith is a bad kind of faith. Each of us was created (or evolved) to have a mind, enabling us to think critically. One can examine an idea, look for evidence to support the idea, and look for evidence that shows the idea is flawed and false. Based on this analysis one can intelligently decide to have faith in the idea or reject the idea.

A belief in a God is a form of faith. For some, it is blind, in that they have never done any critical thinking, never looked at evidence for or against the existence of God. A belief in evolution is a faith. Again, for some, for most, it is a blind faith. Most have never seriously researched the theories of evolution, never read books that use scientific evidence to support evolution, and equally important, have never read books that refute, deny the theory of evolution and back up the denial with scientific evidence. Thus most people have a blind faith in evolution.

In the Bible a group of people called the Bereans were commended for the use of their intelligence. They were told ideas about God and they did research, they studied the Bible to see if these ideas were consistent with what the Bible said (Acts 17:11). Likewise, all people should read, learn, research and think about their faith in whatever they believe. What a person believes has a great impact on how that person lives their life. Each of us should live our lives based on evidence leading to an understanding of the truth, not blind faith.

The Museum of Natural Science and History seeks to present scientific and historical evidence, present theories that fit with the evidence, and thus open people’s minds to discover the truth and hopefully live their lives thereafter based on that truth, and not blind faith.


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True Science

Science, as defined by

  • a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
  • systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
  • systematized knowledge in general.
  • knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study. website says science is “The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.” It goes on to say “Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena”.

Notice the first definition includes the word truth. True science, as this museum seeks to represent, is the study of facts of nature in a systematic way, gaining knowledge about the world and universe to help guide us to a theory of how the world and universe came into being.

The second definition limits scientific discovery and the processes involved in science. The scientific method was developed about 1000 years ago but refined 400 years as the discipline of science grew significantly. The Oxford English dictionary says that scientific method is “a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.”

Paraphrasing Albert Einstein, “no amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. Science cannot prove anything absolutely right, only make theories which match the facts gathered. But a single fact, a single experiment, can prove a theory wrong.” Knowing this to be true it is amazing how many scientists claim evolution is a FACT, not a theory.

The conclusion of this study, although it remains an ongoing study as we do not know all scientific knowledge yet, is that the facts, the evidence, point to a creation approximately 6000 years ago by an intelligence far superior to ourselves. We call this intelligence, this creative power God.

The video excerpts below look briefly at the area of natural science and introduce some of what can be seen in the museum close up. These will compare the evolutionary and creation theories from a natural science point of view. The exhibits demonstrate which theory better matches the facts, the evidence we see in nature around the world.

The following are the major science organizations around the world which look to the Bible as the foundation and study and interpret science based on that foundation. Many government and institutional organization use the theory of evolution as the foundation and interpret science based on that foundation. They will probably not admit this, they will claim science points to evolution but that is not true as their own publications often look at some aspect of science and then try to pigeon hole that science into an evolution model.

The Museum of Natural Science and History is not employed or funding or receiving funds from any of the organizations listed below. they are simply listed as alternative locations to look at the evidence in support of an intelligence, God, creation the universe and everything in it.

Answers In Genesis

Creation Ministries International

Institute for Creation Research

Creation Research Network

Creation Truth Ministries

David Rives Ministries